2 Days Before the Swim


Dear all,

This is my first blog ever. I thought that for the 75k-5 day swim challenge I am about to start in 2 days, I had to do something special. So here it is, the birth of my blog, BLUE ODYSSEY. I should have started blogging about the events weeks ago, but I have been a bit overwhelmed by the preparation for the swim. In fact, oddly enough, it’s not the training that has taken me so much time and energy -after all, training for an Ironman is worse in terms of hours and cumulated fatigue- it’s more the fact that I dove into this project with zero anticipation, overnight. It suddenly added another dimension to my life.

Indeed, while I have done little in terms of logistics and preparation compared to the rest of the team, I still add to do quite a bit, like preparing the swim training plan for Bruce Pye (who is the other swimmer engaged in this challenge), attending to the media (quite fun), participating to the fundraising effort, bringing my share to the team meetings, as well as doing some awareness-raising talks in schools (awesome experience). Again, not much compared to what the team has been producing, but it all adds up to my already busy agenda. It’s in two days and because of all these other things and my wish to race multisport events the last 3 weekends (to enjoy the best racing period in HKG), I’m really not ‘in it’. I’m sure it will come back with the last team meeting tomorrow and the preparation of the food and gear necessary for the 5 days to be spent on the boat between swims. We’ll see…


A Hard Day at the Office